Essays From The Master

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Perspective and intention: The Bridge to the center within

In the lexicon of the: Komuso Ryu we find as the name of the bone bridge that leads to the Kokoro or Heart of all things Kanfa which means view or perspective. Kokoro also means intention, energy, spirit and the center. Perspective is the bridge to one’s intention which is the center, one’s own spirit. One begins and ends from one’s own energy which is a foundation from which one can always act and a refuge to which one always has recourse. One reaches this center of energy through the bridge of one’s perspective meaning that one’s expectations affect the outcome as much as one’s actions or inaction. Grasping this means that one has found the middle ground between the conscious mind and the unconscious primal drives that color that mind in order to preserve the self, both the actual self and the ego. The ego is a mask for the actual self and setting it aside is the gate to the middle ground that leads to one’s center through one’s perspective; another term for this middle ground is the Getsumei No Michi the Moonlit Path. Setting aside the ego is not as hard as it sounds, it is a matter of letting things be as they are and not being driven by fears or desires. At first this lasts moments but expands the more one makes the effort which makes one’s perspective into a bridge to one’s intention resolving into one’s center of energy, the heart of all things.

If one’s intent is not manifesting or is being misunderstood the energy is not flowing rightly which means a different perspective is needed or a new aim. Perspective can be subject to influence which then can alter intent but one has control over how one reacts to influences showing how self discipline is a key to manifesting one’s intent taking us back to Getsumei No Michi. An aspect of Getsumei No Michi knows the difference between civilization, collective ego, which is a myth and culture, an individually invested in social construct, which is objective and observable. This awareness between the two shows the power of the individual to control its perspective which leads to one’s intent and thus to one’s center. One will know one has the Getsumei No Michi when one’s emotions inform the individual and do not cloud logic in the process on one level and the senses merge into one data stream on another level; clarity of perspective and intent frees one from many of the limits on self from social constructs and the like. Getsumei No Michi or the moonlit path is often the precursor to the practice of Haragei linked to the 6th of the nine levels of power in Kuji No In as well as the ninth level. This fact goes to the idea of personal life force being refined as personal power and being linked to the transpersonal flow represented by Kokoro. Those in the science of noetics are now beginning to delve into the link between individuals and transpersonal outcomes such as the throwing of dice and the like. This proves that while all things are connected individual consciousness and therefore will is important.

The balance between interconnection and individual consciousness points again to the link between intent and perspective. If we treat our view as the bridge to our intent we take responsibility both for how we react to things and what we set in motion and by doing so we control the interaction that so many call karma. With this understanding of perspective and intent one is freed from the fear of and the excuse of karma which also ends the idea of some being above others absent of merit. One cannot be free and make excuses because if one is free one only does as one wills to do. Through the discipline of self control one needs no laws, no threats because one accepts consequence as logical result rather than an outcome being right or wrong. By setting the myth of being civilized we achieve its end.


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